When you are taking care of your skin, don’t forget what kind of makeup you are using matters.

I am providing a link to SEINT Makeup that is good for your skin as well as versatile.

The mission statement of Seint resonates with Aging Younger. There is beauty in every face! I want to support you in caring for your skin.

Mission Statement

Beauty connects us.
It transcends time and knows no boundaries.
Seeking, experiencing, and cultivating beauty in ourselves and the world around us is a sacred work.
And that work—our work—is beautiful.
We see beauty in every face.
Our mission is to preserve and nurture it.
Everything we do and everything we create is based on what we believe in:
That beauty matters.
That helping others look beautiful is nice,
But helping them believe they are beautiful is life changing.
Beauty is not our creation;
Beauty is our passion.

Here is the link to order. Let me know if you have any questions!
